My dearest nephew, I can hardly believe you're already 18! In not much longer than a month we'll meet again; and we'll talk and laugh together; and we will celebrate the occasion with (some portuguese) wine and cheerful words.
Professora de Inglês do Ensino Básico. Pós-graduada em Necessidades Educativas
Mestre em Orientação da Aprendizagem.
Doutorada em Educação. (Desenvolvimento Curricular e Avaliação em Educação)
Investigadora e docente do Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa/
ESL teacher.Graduate: Anglo-American Language and Culture. Post-graduate: Special Educational Needs.
Master of Education.Doctor of Education. (Curriculum and Evaluation in Education)
Researcher and lecturer of the Institute of Education, University of Lisbon.
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